Product Description
To Commemorate the Funakoshi Gichin Cup, TOKAIDO has produced a limited number of our most popular uniform with the JKA Sun and Moon Chest Embroidery sewn in.
Available only by pre-order and pick-up at our booth.
Deadline to order is September 20th.
Pick-up from October 25th to the 27th at the tournament booth.
The YAKUDO TSA 躍動 JKA Chest Embroidered uniform is the original heavyweight uniform that was developed through extensive research and consultation with competitors of many styles and organizations to provide what is known worldwide as the Ultimate uniform. The YAKUDO utilizes the strongest and heaviest no 10, 12 oz cotton canvas designed to endure the hardest wear to last. The heavier weight drapery folds enhance the distinctive “snap” sound made when doing techniques. This highest grade of cotton canvas provides twice the tensile strength and 20% more friction resistance for strong durability. Multiple stitches, reinforced seams and an extra wide and heavy skirt seam for extra strength. Cotton is the original wicking material that will keep moisture away from the body.
Please click here for the YAKUDO 躍動 Measurement Size chart to confirm that the uniform has the measurements you desire for a proper fit.
The uniform will shrink 2.2% in length and 1.8% in width.
We are losing money on this so no other discounts will be accepted.